Educational Background
BS General Engineering, West Point - 1974
MS Business, Texas A&M - Texarkana -1980
DBA Business, Nova Southern University - 1988
Dissertation: Concept Formulation In Support Of New Product Development: An Investigation Into The Attitudes And Perceptions Held By Users And Developers Of Military Robotics
Strategic Studies, Air War College - 2000
Professional Experience
Academic Experience:
Adjunct/Assistant Professor, 1989 - Present
Florida Tech
Served in the following locations: National Capital Region (Washington, DC), Redstone Arsenal (Alabama), and Eglin Air Force Base (Florida).
Taught the Following Courses: Information Systems, Computer Operations, Database Management, R&D and Innovation Management, Distribution Management, Integrated Logistics, Strategic Management, Logistics Policy, Business Ethics, Applied Project Management and Leadership, Technology and Business Strategy.
60th Anniversay Outstanding Teacher Award.
2005 – 2007, Principal Research Scientist
The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL
Served as the lead for the Rotorcraft Center in transferring Comanche Helicopter Technology to the defense community. Generated several concepts for various VTOL UAVS to support emerging needs from overseas operations. Developed University capability to incorporate advanced engineering processes to support advanced Rotorcraft systems. Developed a cost-effective helicopter simulation to be used in instruction and teaching.
2002 – 2004, Assistant Professor
The University of Phoenix Online, Phoenix, AZ
Served as an Adjunct Professor with the University of Phoenix Online Graduate MBA Program. Provided graduate-level classes in R&D Management, Strategic Management, and Project Management to MBA students. Reviewed graduate-level technical papers for quality and accuracy from a diverse international and professional student profile. As a result of academic activities was able to expand on current theories, best practices, and case studies for R&D, Strategic and Project Management. This unique process provided a continuous foundation for comparison of various business models from employees/ graduate students of Fortune 500 companies, small technical companies, international students and government agencies. Served as the Operations Lead in the Development of the DBA program. This was a new Doctoral Degree program being established.
Professional Experience:
2007 – 2010, Corporate Officer
Textron Defense Systems, Huntsville AL
2005 – 2007, Principal Research Scientist
The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL
2004 – 2005, Associate
Booz Allen Hamilton, Huntsville, AL
1990 – 2004 & 1980-1982, General Engineer
Aviation & Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, AL
1982 – 1989, Corporate Director
General Dynamics Corporation, Arlington, VA
1980 – 1982, General Engineer
Night Vision Laboratory, Fort Belvoir, VA
1979 – 1980, Production Engineer
Army Intern Training Center, Red River Army Depot, TX
1974 – 1979, Military Officer
Division Artillery 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, TX
Selected Publications
The Joint Project Office for Unmanned Ground Vehicles: A Case Study of Joint Leadership for the Future. In Military Project Management Handbook, David Cleland, (Ed), McGraw Hill: April, 1993.
Concept Growth of Military Robotics: An Investigation Into the Attitudes and Perceptions Held By A Community (with A. Poctzer). Unmanned Systems, 1988/Winter, pp 10-17.
Opportunity During Turbulence; An Un-Conventional Defense. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Technical Marketing Society of America, Washington, D.C., 15 November 1988.
An Un-Conventional Defense Initiative (with S. Shaker). Journal of Defense and Diplomacy, April, 1988, pp12-14.
Force on force Analysis of Ground Robotic Vehicles Against Armor Forces (with R. Jenkins). Paper presented at the 54th Military Operations Research Society conference, Monterey, CA. June 1986.
Land Robot Revolution. Unmanned Systems, 1986/Spring, pp12,13 & 30.